
Blumenthal is a Brooklyn Jew. Go figure.

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It’s frustrating that there’s almost no political willpower at the Federal level here in Canada to export our (ethical) oil properly.

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Canada has its own way of not doing things.

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Unfortunately, we're past the point of no return. If Hamas wanted a cease fire, they would return the hostages. Israel has no option but to finish the job.

My questions are

How long will destroying Hamas hold off terrorism against Israel? Israel successfully destroyed black September after Munich but here we are 50 years later no closer to resolving the underlying problem.

Will this spread to a regional or world war? We are in a Mexican standoff now.

God save us

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There is no "solving" the problem. People will always hate Jews. Israel will always face terrorism. They can try to establish a peace-loving, Jew-tolerating government in Gaza, and work to countermand the anti-Jewish brainwashing, but eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. In Israel and right here at home.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Robert Farago

there is no solving anti-semitism but terrorism can be solved. see ireland.

there is no excuse for hamas but the reason they get support is because of the political failures of israeli and palestinian politicians. we were almost there thirty years ago in oslo but the palestinians, except for fatah, wouldn't agree to the terms that rabin, peres and arafat had worked out. after that failure, rabin was assassinated by his own people. that's when i stopped being a zionist.

netanyahu has built his entire career on making sure a two state solution never happens.

from wikipedia:

In a 2001 video, Netanyahu, reportedly unaware he was being recorded, said: "They asked me before the election if I'd honor [the Oslo accords]... I said I would, but [that] I'm going to interpret the accords in such a way that would allow me to put an end to this galloping forward to the '67 borders. How did we do it? Nobody said what defined military zones were. Defined military zones are security zones; as far as I'm concerned, the entire Jordan Valley is a defined military zone. Go argue."

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023Author

I have no illusions about politicians, generally. Nor do I give Jews any extra credit in the honesty or morality departments. But I know evil when I see it. Anyone who can’t in this case is willfully blind.

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