Hello, it’s Nancy, and I really appreciate this heart felt exploration into the meaning of a loving relationship. Loving relationships are based on friendship, that’s the substance that provides the flexibility for long term roller coaster ride. When Robert texted me, I didn’t realize there was all this thought and processing leading up to that acknowledgment of how important kindness is, because after all, Robert is kind too to have seen it in someone else. I have been lucky, I’ve had a kind mom, and my dad, who died young, was kind to me as well. How much of that “human decency” perspective is nurturing, genetic, or cultivated through self-discipline and/or practice, I do not know, but it’s something many gravitate towards because, in the long run, it’s just a much richer way to live. Why not wake up with joy and appreciation and gratitude for being alive? It’s not like there hasn’t been opportunity to provide more bitter, cynical pursuits, but it just didn’t make much sense to me. I was well aware of human suffering as a child, along with witnessing other species dilemmas as well, so what can we do about it? Bearing witness is important, just to acknowledge that it is happening, and then, in certain instances, getting in there and participating. At this point, it’s probably been hundreds of public meetings, thousands of comments, and recommendations towards public policies that make sense. Do these activities nurture kindness? Yes, I believe they do. This is one approach of course, regarding our connecting with the human condition, but the possibilities are infinite. I live in a town where meditation is an accepted practice for everyday life. Are you expected to participate? No. But it does seem to open up the possibilities for some form of self-awareness and giving yourself permission to be kinder, because we are here for a short time, in the temporal world, so why not just embrace whatever love there is for each other? I love you Robert, you have indeed been a wonderful friend, the years have past, but I have always felt close with you. Thanks for this opportunity to express kindness. My brothers used to call our mom Dali Mama, because she shared the same birthday with the Dali Lama. On her grave stone it says: “Human decency is her North Star.”
Hello, it’s Nancy, and I really appreciate this heart felt exploration into the meaning of a loving relationship. Loving relationships are based on friendship, that’s the substance that provides the flexibility for long term roller coaster ride. When Robert texted me, I didn’t realize there was all this thought and processing leading up to that acknowledgment of how important kindness is, because after all, Robert is kind too to have seen it in someone else. I have been lucky, I’ve had a kind mom, and my dad, who died young, was kind to me as well. How much of that “human decency” perspective is nurturing, genetic, or cultivated through self-discipline and/or practice, I do not know, but it’s something many gravitate towards because, in the long run, it’s just a much richer way to live. Why not wake up with joy and appreciation and gratitude for being alive? It’s not like there hasn’t been opportunity to provide more bitter, cynical pursuits, but it just didn’t make much sense to me. I was well aware of human suffering as a child, along with witnessing other species dilemmas as well, so what can we do about it? Bearing witness is important, just to acknowledge that it is happening, and then, in certain instances, getting in there and participating. At this point, it’s probably been hundreds of public meetings, thousands of comments, and recommendations towards public policies that make sense. Do these activities nurture kindness? Yes, I believe they do. This is one approach of course, regarding our connecting with the human condition, but the possibilities are infinite. I live in a town where meditation is an accepted practice for everyday life. Are you expected to participate? No. But it does seem to open up the possibilities for some form of self-awareness and giving yourself permission to be kinder, because we are here for a short time, in the temporal world, so why not just embrace whatever love there is for each other? I love you Robert, you have indeed been a wonderful friend, the years have past, but I have always felt close with you. Thanks for this opportunity to express kindness. My brothers used to call our mom Dali Mama, because she shared the same birthday with the Dali Lama. On her grave stone it says: “Human decency is her North Star.”