my storage locker is in an old warehouse that still has manual elevators. i always enjoy the challenge. you have to take your hand off the go lever a few feet before the stop and hope the elevator lines up with the floor. this one is semi automated so you can operate it yourself but about 10 years ago i had a studio in an office tower with an elevator operator for the 100 year old fully manual freight elevator.

on that one, the elevator button was really a doorbell to let the operator know you were waiting. sometimes the elevator car would zoom by you and you would hear him yell that he would be back in five minutes, or he might tell you to get your car out of the loading dock because you were blocking a delivery. you had to circle the block until he called you and told you that you could pull in now and he give you access to the elevator that guy had skills that no ai could duplicate!

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I wouldn’t bet on that…

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The Vanity Fair quote sentence that is in parens tells you all you need to know about what the climate change crisis is really all about.

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Yeah that one jumped out at me, a slip of the mask in an otherwise comprehensive, balanced and well-researched article.

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